Tax Tips For A Non-Profit Organization

Law Blog

If you run a non-profit organization, you may find yourself in a bind when it comes to tax issues. There are many people who run non-profits as a volunteer, and therefore they have no experience with taxes and a business. Throw in the fact that it's a non-profit, and you can become extremely confused. Here is an overview on taxes when it comes to non-profit organizations, and a few tips that you need to know. If you are ever in doubt, you should confer with your accountant and a tax attorney.

Annual Filing

The biggest thing you have to remember is to file your return with the IRS. Even though you are tax-exempt, you need to let the IRS know what money you've taken in for the year and how you used that money. There is a lot of information, including the necessary forms, at the IRS website.

Individual Contributions

Make sure you provide receipts for any individual contribution you received. Your state will require you to file a report on gifts received. You also have to provide the fair market value of the services and gifts that were given to your organization.

Contract Approval Process

Your board should adopt a standard process when it comes to approving contracts and paying compensation to employees. This is especially important if your non-profit is in place to serve the public's interests, not private interests. The IRS may want to have proof that your company is doing just that. 

Political Campaigns

You could lose your tax exempt status if your company participates in any political campaigns. A non-profit cannot engage in activity that is favorable for someone running for public office. These activities include any contributions to an individual's campaign, public endorsements, or public statements supporting a candidate. 

Business Income

If your organization receives income that is unrelated to the charitable part of the organization, the company must pay taxes on it. This can become a bit complex when determining deductions, exceptions and exclusions, so this is definitely an area in which you would want help from an accountant to tax attorney in order to ensure you are doing it correctly.

The bottom line is that you want to be certain you are doing everything legal, filing the correct paperwork on time, and engaging in activities that are centered around your organization's mission. Otherwise, you are looking at the high possibility of losing your tax exempt status. Talk to your local tax attorney, such as LaSpada, Anthony J. PA, for more information.


15 December 2014

Creating A Solid Defense

When it comes to fighting in court, it isn't always easy to stay strong, stable, and secure in your convictions. Fortunately, by working with a great lawyer, things become much easier. About ten years ago now, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was really heartbreaking. I started thinking about what to do, and a friend of mine suggested working with a great lawyer. It was incredible to see how much help the lawyer was, and within a few months, I was proven innocent. This blog is here to help people who might be fighting legal battles of their own.