5 Faqs Regarding Your Immigration Medical Examination


If you're planning on applying for a visa application, you'll need to undergo your immigration medical examination. It's an examination to ensure you are healthy enough to be in the United States without spreading diseases to healthy Americans. If you are unsure about what to expect with your medical examination, you need to check out these five frequently asked questions.

What Diseases Are Tested For?

The diseases that are tested for are highly communicable ones. Particularly, the doctor is looking for those diseases that are basically wiped out in the United States. For starters, you're tested for all the diseases that children must be vaccinated for to start school. This includes diseases such as measles, chickenpox, etc. For adults, the test is a little more extensive to spot diseases that are more common in adults than children. For example, your test may include a search for any sexually transmitted diseases that could be easily spread.  

Do Some Diseases Mean Immediate Failure?

Just because you test positive for chickenpox or another more mild disease, it doesn't mean you automatically fail your medical examination. However, there are some that do mean immediate failure. These are the most contagious and deadly diseases, such as tuberculosis and leprosy. Luckily, just because you get an automatic failure, it doesn't mean you never get to take it again. If the disease can be treated, you typically do receive treatment. Once you are healthy again, you can retake the examination. If you cannot be cured, however, because there is no cure or the disease has advanced too far, you will not be allowed to retake the test.

What About Vaccines With Series?

Ideally, all vaccines would just be one quick shot. However, for some diseases, one shot isn't enough to make you completely immune, and you can't always get them done at once. For example, hepatitis B is a series of three or four shots. You can't just get them all done in one visit or even three or four visits. You need to wait between each shot for your immune system to fully create enough antibodies to make you immune. Typically, hepatitis B takes about six months. For people trying to get their visas, that is a long time to wait. Luckily, you don't usually have to complete the series before you can pass the exam. You just need to start it.

Can Any Doctor Perform the Exam?

Not any doctor can perform the exam, so even if you already have an established relationship with a doctor, you may have to see someone else. The doctor needs to be an approved panel physician. On top of that, the location (clinic, hospital, etc.) must also be authorized by the US Embassy and their Consulate. Your immigration attorney will be your best ally in finding a doctor who is approved.

What Do You Need to Bring?

When you come to the examination, make sure you have all the items you'll need. If you don't speak English, bring someone who can translate for you. Talk with your immigration attorney about finding a medical interpreter who can understand medical terms. In addition, you'll need some documents to prove your identity. These include your Federal ID and alien registration number. Lastly, you'll want to bring all your medical records and immunization records.

Passing your medical examination is the first step in getting your visa. Work with your immigration attorney to ensure you are prepared to pass it with flying colors. For more information regarding immigration, contact an immigration attorney in your area today, so you can become an American citizen sooner. You can also visit websites like http://www.kasselandkassel.com.


6 November 2017

Creating A Solid Defense

When it comes to fighting in court, it isn't always easy to stay strong, stable, and secure in your convictions. Fortunately, by working with a great lawyer, things become much easier. About ten years ago now, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was really heartbreaking. I started thinking about what to do, and a friend of mine suggested working with a great lawyer. It was incredible to see how much help the lawyer was, and within a few months, I was proven innocent. This blog is here to help people who might be fighting legal battles of their own.