Why a Specialized Attorney Should Handle Birth Defect Cases

Law Blog

If you're parents to a baby with a birth defect and believe this situation didn't happen because of chance, then you may want to hire an attorney to pursue legal action against the guilty party. You'll have an easier legal road to travel along if you hire a specialized attorney.

Help with Medical Terminology

With any sort of birth defect in a baby, there is probably some medical terminology that can be complex to understanding. Keeping track of these terms is important if you're planning a birth defect personal injury case, and you won't struggle with this part of the legal process by hiring a specialized birth defect case.

They have a long history of working with clients who've been forced to deal with different types of birth defects and the special terms they involve. They'll let you know what everything means and ensure you have a clear understanding before going to court if that's where this case heads. Then you'll have a clear understanding of what was done to your baby and why compensation is warranted.

Clear Up Gray Areas

Birth defect cases can sometimes involve grey areas and the party that should be held accountable for your child's birth defect will use these grey areas to your disadvantage. For example, if you were suing a medical company that made a product the pregnant mother took, they may claim they took something else that caused the defect. A specialized birth effect attorney will counter these claims with tangible evidence, clearing up grey areas, and ensuring your child's birth defect doesn't go unpunished because of parties trying to shift blame. 

Provide Help Outside of the Court

You may hire a birth defect attorney to help you get justice for your baby that was born with some type of issue when it shouldn't have happened, but they can provide access to other helpful services outside of the courtroom. For example, they probably know support groups for parents in your same position. They can recommend them so that you have support during this stressful and probably uncertain time. Or, it could be financial programs to help you pay for medical costs associated with the birth defect—at least until you win against the guilty party.

No parent wants to see their baby unhealthy out of the womb, but it can happen because of birth defects. If you suspect foul play and hire a birth defect attorney, they'll make the legal process clear-cut and take you through it without delay. Contact services like Phillips and Paolicelli LLP to learn more. 


16 November 2020

Creating A Solid Defense

When it comes to fighting in court, it isn't always easy to stay strong, stable, and secure in your convictions. Fortunately, by working with a great lawyer, things become much easier. About ten years ago now, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was really heartbreaking. I started thinking about what to do, and a friend of mine suggested working with a great lawyer. It was incredible to see how much help the lawyer was, and within a few months, I was proven innocent. This blog is here to help people who might be fighting legal battles of their own.