Why Use An Attorney Recruiter To Find A New Job?

Law Blog

If you're looking for a new job as an attorney, then you don't have to find your own next move. You can use a legal recruitment company. What are the benefits of signing up with an attorney recruiter?

Recruiters Save You Time

If you're currently working as an attorney, then you probably don't have a lot of spare time. Problem is, you need to spend some time on finding a new job.

You don't just have to craft the perfect resume, source jobs, and apply for them. You also need to research each employer to find out key information that impacts your next move and your longer-term prospects like their billable hours, bonus plans and partnership tracks.

If you use an attorney recruiter, then they take on some of this work. Many attorney recruiters worked in the legal field, so they understand the sector and how it works. They have an in-depth understanding of firms and organizations, as well as their cultures. They can tell you what to expect in any role they pitch to you.

So, you get extra help finding jobs that match your requirements. You don't have to spend as much time on background research or the application process. This extra help saves time and helps you avoid wasting time applying for roles that aren't right for you.

Recruiters Have Bigger Networks

If you try to find your own job, then you might miss out on opportunities. You might not know where to look to find every suitable role. You might have a limited network of contacts, especially if you haven't been working as an attorney for long.

Legal recruiters have established networks. They have a better idea of the jobs that are currently available in your field; they know the major players in your town or city.

Sometimes, law firms and organizations give jobs to recruiters before posting them publicly. Some don't post jobs at all. They work with trusted recruiters who submit candidates who would be a good organizational fit as and when they find them.

This recruiter/hirer relationship is particularly useful if you can bring a portable book of business with you but aren't sure which firm or organization to approach. A good attorney recruiter will know exactly who to talk to.

So, a recruiter could connect you with opportunities you would never have found on your own. Or, they could get you in front of a hiring client before other candidates even know about the job.

To learn more, talk to an attorney recruiter.


17 February 2021

Creating A Solid Defense

When it comes to fighting in court, it isn't always easy to stay strong, stable, and secure in your convictions. Fortunately, by working with a great lawyer, things become much easier. About ten years ago now, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was really heartbreaking. I started thinking about what to do, and a friend of mine suggested working with a great lawyer. It was incredible to see how much help the lawyer was, and within a few months, I was proven innocent. This blog is here to help people who might be fighting legal battles of their own.