How Can A Criminal Defense Attorney Defend You Against Computer Fraud Charges?

Law Blog

Are you facing charges of hacking or other unauthorized access to computer systems? This charge is becoming more common as more people spend a lot of time exploring different things online. If you've been charged with computer fraud, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. But don't despair—an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you build a defense against these charges. Here are several defenses your attorney may use.

1. Lack of Intent

One of the key elements of computer fraud is intent. The prosecutor must be able to prove that you intended to commit fraud. This can be difficult, especially if you're being charged with a white-collar crime like embezzlement or identity theft. If your attorney can show that you didn't have any fraudulent intent, it may be possible to get the charges against you dropped.

2. Lack of Information

Another key element of computer fraud is knowledge. The prosecutor must be able to prove that you knew your actions were illegal. For example, if you're being charged with hacking into a system without authorization, the prosecutor must show you knew it was a closed network. If your attorney can show that you didn't know your actions were illegal, it may be possible to get the charges against you dropped.

3. Mistake of Fact

A factual error is a defense that can be used if you made an error while committing the crime. For example, if you're being charged with hacking into a system without authorization but actually had authorization from the system's owner, you may be able to use a mistake of fact as a defense.

4. Entrapment

Entrapment is a defense that can be used if you are coerced by law enforcement into committing a crime. For example, if an undercover agent posing as a hacker convinced you to participate in a hacking attack, then your criminal defense attorney can use entrapment as a defense.

5. No Damage Caused

When it comes to computer fraud, one of the most important things for a criminal attorney to consider is whether or not their client caused any damage. This may seem like a simple question, but the answer is not clear-cut in many cases.

For example, if a person hacks into a company's computer system and deletes important files, it may be difficult to prove that they did not intend to cause damage. On the other hand, if a person simply accesses unauthorized data, they may not be guilty of fraud if no damage was actually caused.

If you've been charged with computer fraud, don't despair, but also don't take it lightly because these charges carry hefty penalties. You need good legal counsel to build a successful defense. Consult a criminal defense attorney ASAP to minimize the risks of lengthy jail time and hefty fines.

For more information, contact a local law office, like Law Offices of Jonathan Steele.


31 October 2022

Creating A Solid Defense

When it comes to fighting in court, it isn't always easy to stay strong, stable, and secure in your convictions. Fortunately, by working with a great lawyer, things become much easier. About ten years ago now, I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit, and it was really heartbreaking. I started thinking about what to do, and a friend of mine suggested working with a great lawyer. It was incredible to see how much help the lawyer was, and within a few months, I was proven innocent. This blog is here to help people who might be fighting legal battles of their own.