3 Things You Can Do To Help Your Divorce Run Smoothly

Law Blog

Going through a divorce can be hard on everyone involved. If you are contemplating a divorce from your spouse it is important that you are prepared. Here are a couple things that you can do to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible. 1. Bring All Financial Records To Light One of the worst things that people do before or during a divorce is hide things about their financial records.

6 July 2015

Worker's Compensation May Not Be Enough For Your Lifestyle

Law Blog

Worker's compensation exists to assist workers who were injured on the job, or workers whose existing injuries were made worse because of the company's actions (or lack thereof). Unfortunately, the benefits of worker's compensation are limited and may not completely support a person who works hard to sustain a better than average lifestyle. If you've been making sacrifices because of your injuries and aren't sure if you'll be able to go back to your old way of living, consider a few ways that legal arrangements can help.

19 June 2015

3 Questions You Could Be Asked During A Social Security Hearing

Law Blog

When you have a date set for the social security hearing, you know how important it is for you to be prepared. It is crucial to have the answers ready when the judge starts asking you questions. This can mean the difference between getting your money or not. By having the answers prepared, you also go in feeling confident that you are ready to stand in front of the judge. For the most part, the judge will ask you basic personal questions that they ask everyone.

5 June 2015

Acid Reflux, Breathalyzer Tests, And Your DUI Arrest: Find Out What These 3 Things May Have In Common

Law Blog

Alcohol is just one of the many things that can explain a person's erratic behavior, especially behind the wheel. This is why law enforcement relies so heavily on breathalyzer tests and field sobriety tests to help them determine if a person is truly under the influence or if they are simply overtired or stressed. In most cases, these tests will provide reliable results that can be used to prosecute drunk drivers in court.

20 May 2015

3 Suggestions For Protecting Yourself From A Lawsuit

Law Blog

Lawsuits are incredibly common in our society. There are many people who would go to a lawyer rather than solve a problem on their own. Although there are many cases that merit a lawsuit, others don't need to go through the legal system to be resolved. In order to protect yourself, it is important that you do a couple things to ensure that you avoid major problems from a lawsuit.

30 April 2015

Personal Injury From A Pesticide: Is Anyone Liable?

Law Blog

In addition to any personal use that you may have for them, pesticides are used commercially not only on crops and agriculture, but sometimes within office and home settings as well. The reason for their use is simple and understandable: to kill insects and bugs that would otherwise destroy valuable crops (or to rid your living space of a growing infestation within your home). While there are millions of pesticides used throughout the world every day that never result in any harm to humans, some could be handled and used improperly-- leading to a personal injury or illness for the person nearby.

15 April 2015

4 Factors Injury Lawyers Consider In The Financial Value Of A Case

Law Blog

A primary reason for hiring a personal injury lawyer is because these attorneys know important factors involving injury cases that you most likely aren't aware of. Without professional expertise, you are likely to receive a lower settlement than you actually deserve -- or you may receive nothing. The law firm has the resources to conduct investigations of the circumstances surrounding your case and to learn the results of similar cases. With this information, your attorney can make a successful demand for a settlement that is reasonable and fair.

7 April 2015

3 Things To Expect When You Meet With A Divorce Attorney

Law Blog

Meeting with a divorce attorney for the first time can be a little scary. Many people hesitate going to an attorney because they either aren't sure that they are ready to file for a divorce, or they are unsure what to expect. Here are a couple things you need to know about meeting with your divorce attorney for the first time so that you are not surprised. 1. Expect Lots Of Questions

26 March 2015

Three Examples Of Bizarre Cases In Which The Insanity Defense Worked

Law Blog

Have you heard of the insanity defense?  It means proving to the court that you did not understand what you were doing, and you were not in control of your senses when you committed the crime. Here are three examples of serious crimes whose perpetrators were let off due to their successful use of the insanity defense: Murderer Cum Grave Robber A twentieth century Wisconsin man was notorious for digging corpses out of their graves, skinning, and wearing them.

17 March 2015

Medical Malpractice: What You Should Know About Surgical Errors


Medical malpractice is an area of personal injury law, where you received an injury or illness as a result of negligence. It can occur anywhere in the medical field, from the emergency room and check-in process, to diagnosis or getting treatment from nurses and doctors. You may also have a medical malpractice case due to errors made during surgery. Here is more information about surgical errors and whether or not you can sue for medical malpractice.

5 March 2015